Welcome to the
Digital Writing Lab

Supporting teachers to develop and empower digitally literate citizens.


Generative AI










Animated Poetry




Digital Poetry




Sound ■ Generative AI ■ Visuals ■ Music ■ Animations ■ Websites ■ YouTube ■ Composition ■ Multimodality ■ Animations ■ Blogs ■ Animated Poetry ■ Interactivity ■ ChatGPT ■ Grammarly ■ Digital Poetry ■ Laptops ■ eZines ■ Infographics ■

A gateway to the future of digital writing

This is the home for the lab development stage of the Australian Research Council funded Teaching Digital Writing project where participating secondary English teachers can log in to their own school’s Digital Writing Lab, explore our resources, ask questions and connect with fellow educators who are shaping the future of digital literacies.

  • The Project

    A key part of the Australian National Teaching Digital Writing Project (2022-2025), this project empowers teachers to prepare student digital writers for future roles in a digital world.

    Learn more

  • Project Blog

    Interested in the topic? Want to learn more? Check out our project blog that focuses on connecting the teaching of writing to contemporary media and students’ lifeworlds.

    Go to blog

  • Lab Login

    Are you a participating teacher? You can login to your school’s Digital Writing Lab here to access a wealth of resources as well as connect and discuss the topic with fellow educators.

    Login here

What is digital writing?

In a national survey, Australian English teachers defined digital writing as the process of creating and sharing content on digital platforms. Whether it's a podcast, vlog, LinkedIn profile, or infographic, digital writing connects with audiences in new and exciting ways and is:

  • Participatory: Engaging audiences and fostering conversation

  • Collaborative: Involving teamwork and shared creation

  • Networked: Connects people through digital platforms

  • Multimodal: Combining different modes like sound and vision

  • Iterative: Constantly evolving and improving

Digital writing is the future of storytelling, combining creativity with technology to captivate and inspire.


Want to find out more about the Digital Writing Lab project? Get in touch today.